Our curriculum offer is bespoke to the school. Our curriculum inspires, interests and motivates the children we teach.
Whilst providing the content detailed in the National Curriculum, we provide meaningful, rich learning opportunities that excite young minds; encourage a real love of life-long learning and prepare pupils for their next stage of education.
For us, it is incredibly important that pupils are provided with a range of experiences and visits on which to hang their learning, and are given the opportunity to revisit and build on prior learning. The curriculum is structured in a way so that key learning is clear, and skills and knowledge are consolidated and re-visited over time.
Central to our curriculum, pupils are encouraged to express their opinions and ideas, broaden their vocabulary and develop their personal, social and emotional skills. Key skills of reading, writing and maths are applied and embedded throughout the wider curriculum.
In order to support depth in learning, Science, History, Geography, Computing, Art and DT are taught in short blocks of one to three weeks as shown below. We use CUSP materials to support teaching in Science, History and Geography and follow similar principles of carefully sequenced learning; making connections to prior learning; building on foundational knowledge and spaced retrieval practice within other subjects.
Music, MFL, PE, RE and PSHE are taught each week. Coverage for these subjects can be found on subject pages.
Curriculum Plan 2022-2023