'The best way to predict your future is to create it.'
Welcome to Year 5's class page. Year 5 consists of 20 pupils. In Year 5 we like to make sure each learning experience is creative, engaging and relevant to the pupils needs. The children will be working on activities to help them develop both academically and socially. At Cambridge Primary school we always focus on a whole child approach, which ensures that each student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged, sets the standard for comprehensive, sustainable improvement and provides for long-term student success.
English – This year we will be using a variety of books, videos, music and real-life experiences to help engage the children in their learning. We encourage the children to read at home every night and have their journals signed as much as possible, any support with this would be greatly appreciated.
Maths - At Cambridge we use Big Maths, this allows each child to have a personalised learning experience within this subject, this allows each child to progress and develop areas within this subject. Pupils will be learning new strands from the curriculum this year in an enjoyable, practical and creative way. Children should practice their times tables each night or as much as possible at home on TT Rockstars as a strong understanding is vital to help maintain progress within this subject, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Topic – This year we will be looking at a variety of topics: Extreme Earth; Sporting Legends & The Ancients. Topic work will be cross curricular with a subject focus for each topic. The children will be developing their Geography, History, Design Technology, I.C.T, Music and P.E. skills throughout their topic work. We like to encourage children to complete research outside of school hours where possible as this helps secure learning from school whilst also developing their independence and ownership of their own learning.
Science – The children are looking at Earth and Space, Forces, Properties and Living Things – Life Cycles. The children will be taking part in practical activities to help develop their understanding of these topics. They will have chance to plan, complete investigations and analyse data. The children will be taking their learning outdoors where possible to use the extensive school grounds and link their learning with real life situations.
Computing – This term Year 5 continue to develop their coding skills using Espresso coding in I.C.T. The children are challenged to discuss and decode apps and games. The children have the opportunity at the end of each session to create their own code and apply it within an app or personally made game.
PE - The children will be taking part in P.E. on a Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon, please could children have their named P.E kit ready and available for this day. Please make sure that all pupils can remove their own jewellery (earrings).
'The best way to predict your future is to create it.'
Welcome to Year 5's class page. Year 5 consists of 20 pupils. In Year 5 we like to make sure each learning experience is creative, engaging and relevant to the pupils needs. The children will be working on activities to help them develop both academically and socially. At Cambridge Primary school we always focus on a whole child approach, which ensures that each student is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged, sets the standard for comprehensive, sustainable improvement and provides for long-term student success.
English – This year we will be using a variety of books, videos, music and real-life experiences to help engage the children in their learning. We encourage the children to read at home every night and have their journals signed as much as possible, any support with this would be greatly appreciated.
Maths - At Cambridge we use Big Maths, this allows each child to have a personalised learning experience within this subject, this allows each child to progress and develop areas within this subject. Pupils will be learning new strands from the curriculum this year in an enjoyable, practical and creative way. Children should practice their times tables each night or as much as possible at home on TT Rockstars as a strong understanding is vital to help maintain progress within this subject, any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Topic – This year we will be looking at a variety of topics: Extreme Earth; Sporting Legends & The Ancients. Topic work will be cross curricular with a subject focus for each topic. The children will be developing their Geography, History, Design Technology, I.C.T, Music and P.E. skills throughout their topic work. We like to encourage children to complete research outside of school hours where possible as this helps secure learning from school whilst also developing their independence and ownership of their own learning.
Science – The children are looking at Earth and Space, Forces, Properties and Living Things – Life Cycles. The children will be taking part in practical activities to help develop their understanding of these topics. They will have chance to plan, complete investigations and analyse data. The children will be taking their learning outdoors where possible to use the extensive school grounds and link their learning with real life situations.
Computing – This term Year 5 continue to develop their coding skills using Espresso coding in I.C.T. The children are challenged to discuss and decode apps and games. The children have the opportunity at the end of each session to create their own code and apply it within an app or personally made game.
PE - The children will be taking part in P.E. on a Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon, please could children have their named P.E kit ready and available for this day. Please make sure that all pupils can remove their own jewellery (earrings).